Community Groups

Our clubhouse is home to a number of community interest groups and clubs. Our downstairs area is occupied by the very popular Range Community Gym.

Range Community Gym

Established in 2001, the gym caters for all age groups and fitness levels. Programs are tailored to suit individual needs including rehabilitation after injury, general fitness improvement, strength training, and those suffering chronic health issues. For more information visit their website:

Craft Group

The Mapleton Craft Group meets every Wednesday from 9am to 12 noon at the Mapleton Bowls Club. The group is a friendly group of women who enjoy crafts of all types and enjoy socialising together. Popular crafts include knitting, crocheting, card making and embroidery. Come along and learn new crafts and make new friends. We also organise trips to places of interest, as well as lunches on a regular basis.

All are welcome and we hope to see you soon.

Mahjong Club

Members of the Mapleton Mahjong Club share an enthusiasm for Mahjong played in a non-competitive and friendly atmosphere. Our group follows Patricia A Thompson and Betty Maloney’s Western rules and variations. Whether you are interested to learn, a beginner or an experienced player, come along, see how you go, and feel welcome to join us. The cost per session is $3 and includes afternoon tea. If you become a regular player, the Bowls Club annual social membership is $10. Visitors are welcome, and pay per session. The first visit is free. Telephone 54786303 Mapleton Bowls Club

Art Club

The Mapleton Art Club meets on Thursday mornings at the Bowls Club.

Darts Group

A friendly group from all walks of life that don’t mind interrupting their beer to throw the odd dart. Everyone welcome. $10 to join as a Mapleton Bowls Club Social Member


Probus Club of North Blackall Range Inc meets on the second Friday of the month from 10 to 12 noon. We welcome retirees from the local community who seek companionship, and fun, fellowship and friendship. Our monthly meetings provide an opportunity to socialise, an interesting guest speaker talking about topics of interest, and a great morning tea. We have special interest groups such as our Book Club and Games Day run monthly, and our Foodies Group occasionally, and (weather permitting) social outings to places of interest. We look forward to meeting you. Contact Secretary on 0493 255201 or email for further information.

Quilter’s Group

The Mapleton Quilters group meets Mondays 9-12pm at the Bowls Club.

The Mapleton and District Community Group

MADCA is a group of local volunteers who live and work in and around the Mapleton and Flaxton communities located on the Blackall Range. The MADCA meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm at the Mapleton Bowls Club. Visitors are welcome and MADCA welcomes new members. Membership is free.

For more information visit their website: